Delamping: Stop Enriching Your Utility Company

Delamping for LED lights drastically improves the energy efficiency of a home and its aesthetics. ©2024 All Star Electric San Antonio

Delamp to cut down on your ever-increasing utility bills

Switching to LED lighting might be the budget saving grace you’re looking for. Decreasing the number of light sources in your home is a fantastic way to save on energy and reduce your utility bills. This process is referred to as “delamping.” Learn more about what’s possible with delamping below. 

What is Delamping?

Delamping is reducing the number of light fixtures (lamps, sconces, chandeliers, spots, etc.) used for illumination in a home, indoor and outdoor. It can also be done in an office or a retail space. By decreasing the number of light sources and switching to LED technology in the right places, your rooms and spaces can receive the same (or better) illumination levels with fewer fixtures.

In the end, you will spend less money, you will get the same or a better lighting, and you will contribute to preserving the environment for reasons we’ll describe here.

Why Switch to LED Lighting? A Real-Life Example

Here is a real-life comparison of efficiency and savings between a regular light bulb of 40 Watts and a LED “Edison” light of 5.5 Watts.

  LED Incandescent Light
Power (Watts) 5.5 40
Illumination (Lumens) 500 280
Cost of purchase (in $) 5.70 0.94
Estimated lifespan (in years) 13.7 2.3

Other values used in our calculations:
Cost of 1 kW/h = $0.14
Annual inflation rate = 3%

Here are the reasons why switching from incandescent bulbs to LED lights make a whole lot of sense for your wallet.

1. Energy Efficiency

Based on the electric power consumed (5.5W vs. 40W) and the illumination produced (500 lumens vs. 280 lumens), the LED is 12.99 times more energy-efficient than the incandescent bulb.

2. Longer Lifespan

In our real-life comparison, the respective lifespans of the LED and the bulb are 13.7 years and 2.3 years. The LED has a lifespan 5.956 times longer than the light bulb.

3. Cost of purchase

In our real-life example, the initial purchase cost of the LED light ($5.70) is higher than that of the bulb ($0.94). But in fact, considering the estimated lifetime of the bulbs, and the number of bulbs needed to achieve the same illumination as the LED, the cost of the bulbs comes to $11.22.

In our real-life example, the LED costs $5.70 today, the bulb costs $0.94. But this bulb only produces 280 lumens of light, vs. 500 lumens of the LED. So you would need about 2 of this light bulb (1.785 exactly) to achieve the same level of illumination of that LED.

Since you would have to replace these light bulbs 5.9 times during the lifespan of that LED, the cost of purchase of light bulbs over the 13.7-year lifespan of the LED would be about $10.

But the cost of light bulbs will increase over 13.7 years (inflation, remember?). Assuming that the increase is 3% per year, the total cost of the lights bulbs would come to $11.22.

And this is not assuming any cost of gas, going back and forth to the store 6 times to buy the bulbs!

4. Cost of electricity

In our real-life comparison, we calculated that your savings on electricity for a single LED light would amount to $277.32 over 13.7 years.

Choose a Trusted Electrician for Your Delamping Project

It’s difficult to find knowledgeable craftsmen with a excellent worth ethics these days. Our team of licensed electricians has been operating in San Antonio for almost 30 years. For you, this is a guarantee that we are not a fly-by-night electrical contractor, and that we have the experience you need for your project.

Call us at (210) 391-0274 for a no-commitment consultation where we will listen to your project ideas and advise on the scope and budget. We can also provide an estimate and timeline.

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